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Sex update when


genuinely the best tabletop rpg ever created.

I just bought this based off of this comment!


My regular 5e group plays weekly online. On weeks where someone has to miss, the players take turns DMing a 1-shot so our regular DM gets a chance to play occasionally. I found out last minute I had to run a 1-shot tonight and had nothing prepared. Came across this and we had an insanely fun 2 hours with only about 10 minutes of planning on my part. We were in tears laughing, VERY easy to jump into a character and lots of opportunity for humor. You're a lifesaver--will come back in the future and will definitely tip again!


10/10 would highly recommend. Soup Kitchen the dangerous rebel with a cool jacket, wielding a ghost-wolf chain almost drowned in the eyes of a water elemental, and ended up on a date with 1/3 of a terracotta army


very fun game. my sexy battle wizard THEODOCIOUS BANPHREESTA barely ever rolled above a 4 but i got really emotionally attached. 5/5 in the sexy, battle, and wizard categories. would play again.